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Meet the Team - Daniel Perry, Business Systems Director

Content is king!

Image of Daniel Perry as the legend Prince

It's our third instalment of our Meet the Team blog. This is where we introduce you to the team behind the West Midlands Media Group, as we get to know useful facts and fun information about our team. This week we meet Daniel, our other key shareholder and director of the WMMG.

Ethan's surpassed himself by turning Daniel into the legend himself - Prince!

So let's meet the team with Daniel Perry.

Meet the Team Daniel Perry!

How long have you worked at West Midlands Media Group?

I've been with the WMMG since the start of time, just like Reece. I'm one half of the leadership team here at the company and work alongside Reece in supporting our artists and promoting the services we provide to upcoming artists and bands across the region.

My role within the WMMG is Business Systems Director, where I oversee responsibilities for our marketing, social media, IT and accounts functions. I also provide guidance and support along with Reece to the artists that sign on our roster and promote the new services being provided by the company.

Prior to launching the WMMG, both me and Reece were involved in digital radio which was the basis of launching the WMMG in our bid to provide a unique service and platform to artists across the West Midlands. I have a huge passion for music and take great pride in supporting artists with their growth and development.

What do you enjoy most about working at WMMG?

It's got to be all the amazing individual artists and bands we get to meet everyday. There really is some truly exceptional musical talent across the whole of the Midlands. With music being a huge passion of mine, it's incredible to see the artistic creation that we see the people we work with create when producing, writing and recording original material and releasing it through our company.

That feeling I feel when an artist achieves what they want to achieve and then the final product is released on all the major platforms for streaming and downloads. It is truly magical and the place where dreams are made.

What recent/future changes and development can we expect from your role?

Each week we come up with innovative ways on providing new services and new content to artists signed and artists that are not signed to the WMMG. One of my favourite new features we've recently launched is our For Artists section on our website; and there's still a ton of new features to add to this area too!

This feature allows our team to post weekly blogs providing tips and useful information to aspiring artists looking to develop a music career. Part of a big focus at the WMMG is networking and by developing and publishing a feature just for artists allows me, Reece and the whole team to network with artists that me might not have usually communicated with originally.

The whole feature is set to be amazing once fully live and we can't wait to share all the amazing features and services it will provide.

Provide 3 fun-facts about yourself Daniel!

This is sure to be an interesting read...

  • I have a book called the Dantionary, it's a bit like a dictionary, but all consisting of dan-words.

  • I previously let my hair overgrow because I can't stand waiting in a queue where it takes 40 minutes to get a simple haircut! Huge frustration!

  • I like to think I'm a world-class Chess champion and can always beat Reece.

Montage images of Daniel Perry

Next week, we'll be catching up with Gem as we learn more about the lady who is the liaison to all our artists.

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